Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission, one of the largest pan-India schemes for strengthening healthcare infrastructure, from his parliamentary constituency Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh on Monday. The Prime Minister also inaugurated various development projects worth more than Rs 5,200 crore for his constituency. The Pradhan Mantri Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission is one of the largest pan-India schemes for strengthening healthcare
SIDDHARTHNAGAR (UP), Oct 25: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday lashed out at the previous Government in Uttar Pradesh for ignoring basic medical needs of the people of Purvanchal region while “filling coffers” of their families, and asserted that the region will now emerge as a medical hub under BJP rule. Inaugurating nine medical colleges in Uttar Pradesh virtually from here, the Prime Minister said the BJP’s priority is to provide basic facilities to the poor. In an apparent attack […]
While eight medical colleges have been sanctioned under a Centrally sponsored scheme for establishment of new medical colleges attached with district or referral hospitals, the one at Jaunpur has been made functional by the state government through its own resources. 📰 PM Narendra Modi Inaugurates Nine Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh, Says Purvanchal Will Emerge as Medical Hub .