Rs 22,000 crores sanctioned under new LPS Rules Nishikant Khajuria JAMMU, Aug 4: Under new LPS Rules, State owned Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) REC Ltd has sanctioned Rs 22,000 crores to power distribution companies (Discoms) of Jammu Kashmir Union Territory and three other States to clear their dues. This significant financial assistance was provided yesterday for clearing the outstanding dues by the distribution licensees, which will be paying to their electricity suppliers. The total outstanding dues owned by electricity Distribution […]
Discoms outstanding dues to Gencos rise to Rs 1.32 lakh cr Highest overdues worth Rs 21,625 cr of Adani Power Projects Gopal Sharma JAMMU, July 3: While the total outstanding dues owed by electricity Distribution Companies (Discoms) to power producers in the country has reached up to Rs 1,32,432 crore in June 2022, the total power over due amount of J&K UT has goneup to whopping Rs 9642.15 crores. Power Distribution Companies (Discoms) in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, […]