From initial forays into the world of animation and commercials to the thrilling challenges presented by video games, local voice actors share their stories.
After a years-long struggle with censors, a film adaptation of Malaysian postmodern dark comedy Spilt Gravy on Rice has debuted on Netflix and won awards at home. “It’s, of course, a major relief after so many years of feeling like I was on a very slow roller-coaster ride,” Zahim Albakri, the director of Spilt Gravy on Rice (Ke Mana Tumpahnya.
BERNAMA – Dark comedy film Spilt Gravy was crowned as the Best Film at the 32nd Malaysian Film Festival (FFM) late on Friday. Success was much sweeter since it took more than 10 years for the film to be shown on the silver screen. Producer Zarul Albakri Ikmal described the win as meaningful despite not […]