I am by no means Eurocentric when I begin this discourse with the aim of looking into how Reason has seeped into our consciousness. Aware of how different the conditions that gave rise to political articulations in the other nations are, it must be said that something occurred in our…
MY last good memory of this 2022 election was the photo of Leni Gerona Robredo, standing in line to vote. To non-Bikolanos, the public school where her precinct was located looked similar to the other voting places nondescript, low-roofed buildings, unused for some two years because of the pandemic. But journalists…
BY the time I write my column next week, there should be a new president. That person could resume the dark, evil days of martial rule in which my generation spent as a 19 or 20-year- old citizen, or one that would promise, at the very least, a hope for…
AN unusual kind of feasting is happening right now in Bicol. We call it the first Bikol Book Festival. The event has given me the chance to talk about my small book, which has been categorized as fiction. I call it ethnography. But no one, as far as I know,…
The pandemic is ending. There is no official announcement about the termination of virus. In other parts, the return to normalcy is attributed to the vaccine. In our country, politics solved the long isolation, the consequence of the contagion. Politics had always been there in the lockdown. Politics through this…