talks. there is reportedly progress. is not done yet. a source close to negotiations tells abc news that republicans in thand the white house had reached a tentative deal. it would raise the debt ceiling with spending cuts of roughly one trillion dollars. there would be a special committee to recommend additional cuts. if congress does not approve the committee recommendations by late december, automatic across- the-board cuts would go into effect. i am confident and optimistic we will get an agreement in the near future. the clock is running down. at midnight tuesday, the credit card maxes out. democrats and republicans seem to be closing in on a deal. the senate majority leader was less optimistic that the end is near. the speaker and republican leaders should know that simply saying you have an agreement does not make it so. on friday, house republicans passed a $900 billion debt reduction bill without a single democratic vote. democrats moved quickly to kill it
humidity 58%. mostly cloudy at reagan national. here is your highs for today. close to mid-90s around downtown. lower 90s for martinsburg. here s angie with your traffic. happy to turn on the green light and keep it on. hopefully we can make it a trend all morning long. let s get started with our maps and show you how everything is shaping up on the outer loop here north of the district. outside it appears that everything is nice, clean and green and drivers make their way from route 1 college park past university over to georgia avenue. continuing into virginia crossing that american legion bridge. some great news. they ve been able to clear the scene there through tysons corner and open up all lanes at route 7 and 66. let s move it over to the maps again. this time, we ll keep it in maryland. show you 270. no issues to report. no delays out of urbana just yet. making that way past 109, past germantown down to the split. over to the travel times we go. 66 drivers headed ea