After several short-lived businesses, the old Jerry's Bar building is home to a bakery that's warmed up the neighborhood with fresh caramel rolls, black velvet cupcakes and wild rice-cranberry bread.
Siblings set Brothers Table at site of Jerry s Bar in north Moorhead
The Brothers Table plans to open the first stage of its business, catering healthy meals for child care centers, in three to four weeks at 1500 11th Street North in the building best known as Jerry s Bar, says Riley Aadland, who is launching the business with his older brother Nicholas.
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Tammy Swift | ×
Nicholas Aadland has been renovating the former Jerry s Bar in north Moorhead into a catering/take-and-bake meal business/event center called Brothers Table.
David Samson / The Forum
A 69-year-old Moorhead building that s been everything from a 3.2 beer bar to a drag-show venue will soon serve its next round of owners as The Brothers Table.