Maite Nkoana-Mashabana represented the face the Zuma administration placed before the world. At times she appeared incoherent, a disgraceful embarrassment. South Africa’s foreign policy-making, and the country, is better off for her departure.
When it comes to the rights of sexual and gender minorities in Africa, the past year has been a mixed bag. Of the 69 countries that criminalise same-sex relations, 33 are in Africa. Although the examples are few, there has been some progress.
Earthquakes, nuclear disasters, angry face-offs with the Gupta family, dodgy ambassadorships and R1.5bn blown, Zondo Part Five (Volume 1) offers insight into behind-the-scenes drama and skulduggery. Earthquakes, nuclear disasters, angry face-offs with the Gupta family, dodgy ambassadorships and.