Pickathon favorite Butcher Brown tours through to support Solar Music
Portland's date with Wynne approaches
Revolutions Per Movie's first live podcast taping—with R.E.M.'s Peter Buck!
Here's the god music news, Hear in Portland!
This show-heavy Hear in Portland update has details on Portland's date with Wynne, Pickathon favorite Butcher Brown's December show, and Revolutions Per Movie's first live podcast taping—with R.E.M.'s Peter Buck! Read our weekly music column by regular Mercury contributor Jenni Moore!
For a mid-size US city, Portland has a respectable range of hot bubbly pool options. Crunchy wellness remnants like Everett House and Common Ground are still around, and the McMenamins Kennedy School offers soaking and socializing to guests, neighbors, and those willing to pay a nominal fee. At the higher price range of Portland's soaking options is Knot Springs, which I'd heard about from a friend whose brother is a member—we'd both rolled our eyes.
This week's weather is a little mild, but the music news from Hear in Portland is HOT!
SPA HOT: with Greaterkind gracing a steamy concert series
NEW HOT: with a collab from Mal London and JxJury
SAD HOT: as Dame D.O.L.L.A. drops a music video for "The Way It Goes"