Avon has committed to making 2024 a year for community housing, and on Tuesday, the Town Council adopted new amendments to the town’s comprehensive plan to create more opportunities for local workers. The amendments follow.
The Avon Town Council adopted new community housing policies to replace the town’s housing guidelines of 1990-91 at its meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 12. The new policies apply to all future community housing in Avon,.
The Avon Town Council reviewed a new document Tuesday that would replace the town’s outdated housing guidelines adopted in 1990 and 1991. Council members did not come to any conclusions or vote on the new.
Tuesday’s Avon Town Council meeting will cover a number of topics, including an update to the town’s housing guidelines, which were established in 1990-91, and a first hearing on a ballot question for a proposed.
The Avon Town Council is considering an amendment to the town’s landscaping standards that will reduce water consumption and improve fire resiliency in both public and private landscaped areas. The primary change would be the.