SIR – My wife had an accident and injured her hand, which was competently treated at A&E. The wound needs re-dressing every two days, yet when she contacted our local GP on March 26, she was told that the next available nurse appointment was on April 16.
The name’s Jemima. Jemima Lewis. Professionally, at least. But Henrietta Lewis on my birth certificate. Henrietta’s my first name, you see, but I’ve always been called Jemima, which is my second name. On my passport I’m Henrietta Dimbleby: I took my husband’s surname when we married, because I wanted to have the same surname as our future children. Can you believe I thought it would make life simpler?
About seven years ago, I experienced what is probably the highest point of my parenting life to date. I was at home with my then three-year-old, and decided to make us a nice lunch.