Many poker players have been known to seek out some checkmating action as well. The same might even be true for chess players. With the series burning up Netflix, many poker players are getting back to the chess board.
Strategy, fun, and playing online
Like poker, there can be deep theories and heavy mathematical combinations involved in chess. Amateur chess coach
Jarod Watson of Atlanta,
Georgia, recently started playing poker and noticed several similarities.
“The first thing I noticed that was similar was learning to defend against aggressive opponents,” he says. “Figuring out a player’s style is the key in how you will counter effectively.”
Great minds: 10 players who excel at both chess and poker
Chess and poker are recognized as intellectual sports and the metaphor of seated boxing can be used to refer to each of them. It is said of both games that they take a few minutes to learn, but a lifetime to master. Somehow, a few players have managed to excel in both disciplines.
This article is the first part of a series that will look into the similarities and differences between chess and poker.
The 10 players are classified by year of birth.
Dan Harrington (born in 1945)
Dan Harrington at the WSOP | Wikipedia