The accused got together in Vadodara on the direction of Bhaskar and Ketan. Naresh, who hails from Odisha but resides in Surat, also joined the group in Vadodara, while the Gujarat agents Hardik, Pranav, Aniket and Raj were also called for the "meet-up".
The Gujarat Police's Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS) on Sunday said that it has arrested 16 accused - six from Bihar, eight from Gujarat, and one each from Odisha and Delhi - in the Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board (GPSSB) junior clerk .
Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board (GPSSB) Chairman Sandeep Kumar on Sunday said that an inter-state gang was behind the leak of the paper of the junior clerk recruitment exam, which has now been cancelled."Interstate organised gang .
While asserting that new exam date will be announced soon, Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board (GPSSB) Chairman Sandeep Kumar on Sunday calimed that an inter-state gang was behind the leak of the paper of the junior clerk recruitment exam, which has now been cancelled.