Neelima Rani made her debut as a child star in Tamil cinema and later went on to gain fame by starring on the small screen and the silver screen. She made her debut as a child star in Kamal Haasan and Sivaji Ganesans acclaimed movie Devarmagan.
Neelima started career as a child artist: Neelima Rani made her debut as a child star in Tamil cinema and later went on to gain fame by starring on the small screen and the silver screen. She made her debut as a child star in Kamal Haasan and Sivaji Ganesans acclaimed movie Devarmagan.
Neelima Rani made her debut as a child star in Tamil cinema and later went on to gain fame by starring on the small screen and the silver screen. She made her debut as a child star in Kamal Haasan and Sivaji Ganesan’s acclaimed movie Devarmagan. Though she hasn’t played the lead role in movies, her role in popular movies such as Karthis Naan Mahaan Ala, Jayam Ravis Santhosh Subramaniam, Jyothika