Rakhi accused Adil of assaulting her and taking away her money and jewellery from her flat without her knowledge. Following this, Rakhi Sawant s husband Adil Durrani has been arrested by Mumbai Police.
Reportedly, Mumbai s Oshiwara police has arrested Rakhi Sawant s husband Adil Khan this morning. Mumbai police said that Rakhi Sawant had lodged a complaint that her husband Adil used to beat her up and cheated her a lot in money transactions. Scroll down to read more.
On Saturday, Rakhi Sawant shared that her husband Adil Khan Durrani has come back o her, Rakhi said she doesn t want to give undue publicity to the girl. The actor added that she is ready to forgive him if he ended his affair and returned.
Rakhi Sawant's mother, Jaya Sawant, died on Saturday after a long battle with a brain tumor and cancer. The actor and reality TV star's mother had been hospitalized in Mumbai for several days and was reportedly in critical condition. Rakhi announced on Instagram that the funeral will take place on Sunday.