no love is for everybody. love is live with love matters and that s my new podcast. i m evelyn sharma, and i really think we need to talk about all the topics that more divides and deny that this i have invited many deer and well known guests. and i would like to invite you to an end ah, this week unwell stories in exile, russian journalists in germany, in the orphanage, illegitimate children in indonesia. but we begin in ukraine, where massive russian shedding has destroyed or damaged houses in and around give. in many places, people are now doing their best to re build and reconstruct. we met, cut out by chance on the site of demi days, main road, and above we were filming the destruction caused when a missile hit her building. she was keen to show us inside. back in march, when russian troops were advancing on key. if fierce fighting took place in the area with hundreds of homes made an inhabitable of 30 the while, everything is falling apart like here and here and she or
massive russian shedding has destroyed or damaged houses in and around keith. in many places, people are now doing their best to rebuild and reconstruct. we met, cut out by chance under sight of demitrix main road above we were filming the destruction caused when a missile hit her building. she was keen to show us inside, back in march when russian troops were advancing on key if fierce fighting took place in the area with hundreds of homes made an inhabitable from federals of all, everything is falling apart. like here, and here when she or boy here was brown were but the water came as you can see is dripping on the windows here. if it s the same in the room, everything is destroyed with nothing left. there are no windows year. so called catch are says local authorities assess the damage, not long after the strike, but she hasn t received any help since then. both. so yes, i paid for the repairs myself. i used all the money i had, and i installed new windows to keep the crow
japan s for my prime minister sions. obey has reportedly been shot at a campaign event in the western city of non ah, hello, i m down, jordan, this is al jazeera, alive from dell, are also coming up in politics. no one is remotely indispensable. british prime minister boris johnson announced his resignation. but remain impala until his party . alexei successor, g 20 talks in indonesia, russia of foreign minister comes face to face with western diplomats for the 1st time since the invasion of ukraine and anger on the streets of haiti, protest was demand justice for president janelle maria on the one year anniversary of his ah, ah, so let s begin with breaking news out of japan state television that says the former prime minister sions. a lobby has been shot and taken to a hospital. it happened that a campaigned event in the city of nara, that s near soccer. there are reports that a 42 year old man has been arrested. let s get more in this building floor installation joins us l
a speech ahead of an election this weekend. we ll get the latest from tokyo, also coming up. russia s vladimir putin says the war and ukraine is just getting started. our correspondent and keep here is from 2 ukrainians, living in the russian health city of harris on about life under occupation, and why they decided to stay and will bars. johnson remain u. k. prime minister, while his successor is chosen, he wants to stay on for the summer and peas and the british public may not be willing to let that happen. ah, i pablo foley as welcome to the program. former japanese prime minister shinto abbe has been shot in the city of nara, during a campaign event. the politician was shot at twice with officials confirming mister abbey had a bullet wound on the, on the right side of his neck. and also so free to a chest wound, the attacker who made no attempt to flee the scene, has been detained by authorities. japan s current prime minister to new york is shita has confirmed that shins
also on the show, it fiji makes another urgent appeal on climate change. it says it s the biggest threat isn t military conflict, but global warming are it s cold. finally being heard plus the stigma of being an unmarried mother in indonesia, we explain why many women are forced to give up their children of women always being stigmatized. but did the people forget who made them pregnant in their view? it s always the woman s fault. this kind of stigma is the result of a centuries old. patriarchal culture for apple salad. ah, i m jared raid. welcome to the dw news azure. thanks for joining us. tense relations between the us and china have dominated a security summit in singapore over the weekend. though the 2 sides did. johnson talks, chinese defense minister general way saying, hey, accused his us counterpart of hijacking the support of asia pacific countries to turn them against beijing. earlier us defense secretary lloyd austin, said china or the p r c was causing instabili