Tanghdar, a Kashmir town of stark contrasts, once a center of knowledge and commerce, now marked by ceaseless conflict along the Line of Control (LoC). Families torn apart during the 1947-48 partition, frequent cross-border firing, but recent ceasefire offers hope. Teetwal village, divided by the LoC, gained literary fame through Saadat Hasan Manto's Teetwal ka Kutta. The Kishanganga River separates families, but conversations across the divide persist. Reconstruction of the Sharada Peeth temple and Sikh Gurudwara has rekindled hope for cultural and religious harmony, fostering tourism in the region.
BJP leader Javid Qureshi, who had contested the 2019 Lok Sabha election as an independent candidate from the Baramulla seat, has not submitted his account of election expenses.