BJP leader T Raja Singh is confident of winning the Goshamahal constituency in the upcoming Telangana assembly elections. He is seeking a third term from the Goshamahal segment and believes that the BJP will form the government in Telangana after the elections. Singh has launched a tirade against AIMIM president Asaduddin Owaisi and his MLA brother Akbaruddin Owaisi for neglecting the Muslims of Old City and their welfare.
The Karnataka High Court has held that without the necessary sanction under Section 196 of the CrPC, the proceedings under Section 153A of the IPC could not continue, thereby clarifying that the.
Counsel for the DVAC argued that the judge did not have any suo motu revisional jurisdiction and should have issued notice to the High Court before passing such order.
Controversial MLA Raja Singh, who was suspended by BJP amid a controversy over his anti-Prophet remarks last year, remarked that both ‘ghar wale’ (insiders) and ‘bahar wale’ (outsiders) don’t want him in the next Telangana Assembly.