But it appears even with positive reviews and evaluations from students, strong teaching-track faculty can be let go without any clear rhyme or reason. We call on the University to extend a new contract to Dr. R and all other well-deserving TRaP faculty who are foundational to the excellent education that Washington University provides.
As we approach this upcoming vote, the Student Life Editorial Board expresses concerns over the petition’s anonymous filing and resulting potential for the exploitation of the recall process.
So, for this podcast, Editor-in-Chief Via Poolos and Senior Multimedia Editor Jared Adelman sat down with two people who are intimately familiar with the process of dying. In Act One, Dan Loesche explains Washington University's Gift of Body donation program and what it is like to be a mortician. In Act Two, we talk with Barbara Finch, who is signed up to donate her body to Dan's program when she dies.