Associate Professor Masako Gavin, Japanese Studies, Bond University
The Life and thoughts of Ienaga Toyokichi: Bridging over the Pacific
"Excellent indexes and databases, as well as a superb collection of books and journals on Japanese history and International Relations enabled me to go into ‘lock down’ mode and concentrate on my mission – ‘impossible’ at home."
Literary connections between Australia and Japan In the library I found a comprehensive supply of books in English specificaly relating to my project, including translations into English of Japanese fiction, and I aslo found interconnected material giving me good background knowledge. I was quite impressed by some of the latest collections of sociological materials, for example, seven volumes of short stories published in occupied Japan (1945-1952) by Fujiwara Shoten. I came across them while browsing in the stack.
Dr David Chapman, Program Director, International Studies and Senior Lecturer, University of South Australia
Koseki: the ‘State’ of creating and controlling Japanese citizens