thousands of people cut off from the mainland 6789 the only way to get there, air, helicopter or boat. you see semitrucks bringing supplies, we re moving as fast as we can, we are here to support as long as needed. carley: alexandria hoff joins us live from fort myers beach. what an experience. the pictures look like a bomb went off. what did you learn? alex: how complicated it has been to get to people in need, those in barrier islands that have been completely cut off. recovery operation or the operation to get to some form of state of recovery, 24 hours ongoing and quite impressive. latest numbers, 430,000 floridians still without power, down from 2.6 million and hardest hit places, though, they could be in the dark for weeks and months, some are anticipating. as number of those without power comes down, ian s death toll is rising. report of 78 deaths, 71 in florida, even survival plagued by trauma. a resident put it, it is the most horrible thing in the world really
a few times here and there by network anchors and reporters and correspondence, the big lie has been used reference to trump 7700 times since january 20 of 2021 on cnn. and they are urging network anchors not to use the term, but that plea has been ignored in some cases. if i were cnn, i would be concerned, the teenager from kentucky sued cnn for 275 million and they had to settle, see how that plays out. it s a big number for sure. carley: trump says he will file lawsuits against a large number of fake news media companies for lies, defamation and wrongdoing including as pertains to the big lie that
purported perjury, there is no indication. you didn t hold back, you issued a press release. you should see the distinction and how about this one? since january 20 of 2021, border patrol has encountered more than 1.3 million aliens of the south border illegally have you sent a letter or issued a memorandum for u.s. attorneys directing prosecution of these cases? no and the reference of cases comes from the department of homeland security as i mentioned before. look. you ve managed to issue a memorandum about parents showing up at school boards. i can t you issue a memorandum regarding the million plus people that illegally entered the country and encourage your u.s. attorney to prosecute those cases?