Congress leaders alleged that BJP workers attacked Bharat Jodo Nyay yatra in Jamugurihat, Sunitpur. Pradesh Congress President Bhupen Kumar Borah was injured. Congress leader Jairam Ramesh stated that his vehicle was attacked by an unruly BJP crowd who tore off the yatra stickers. Congress MP Rahul Gandhi said that 20-25 BJP workers carrying sticks came in front of their bus in Nagaon. Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge said that the attack on the yatra stems from the BJP s nervousness. The SP of the district in which the attacks took place is the Assam CM s younger brother.
In a tragic accident that took place at Rangachakuwa in the northern part of Jamugurihat on Tuesday evening, one meritorious student sustained serious injury. The student was identified as Rohit Munda.
A free eye check-up camp organized by Gupta Kashi Biswanath and Dibrugarh Apekhya hospitals in collaboration with Jamugugi Town Committee was held at Bapuji Bhawan, Jamugurihat on Monday.