On Saturday, Sushil Kumar Rinku, a Congress import, secured for the AAP a formidable victory in the bypoll to the Jalandhar Lok Sabha seat. He got 3,02,279 votes or 34 per cent of total votes polled.
The Congress lost 10.46 per cent of its vote share in the constituency, as compared to 2019, and its tally of Lok Sabha MPs from Punjab dropped to seven.
While Congress trailed in all nine segments, the AAP led on seven and BJP, that was otherwise placed on number four, led on two Assembly segments including Jalandhar (North) and Jalandhar (Central), having predominantly urban population.
Meta Description: Jalandhar (Punjab) Bypoll Result 2023 Live Update: India.Com brings to you the latest updates from the Jalandhar Lok Sabha seat where the counting of votes will be held amid tightened security. Follow our updates for the latest trends and round-wise updates from the counting centre in Jalandhar. aaa