The book relates how the real proletarian revolution in Spain in 1936 was hijacked by political forces across the whole spectrum, fascist and anti-fascist, hence the title, counter-revolution, 1936-39. It is the complete work, published in «Bilan»: Contre-revolution en Espagne, 1936-1939, and republished in a shorter form in a pamphlet, under the title, Fascism/anti-fascism.
Since the occupation of January 1994, many have projected their hopes onto this 'exotic' struggle against 'neo-liberalism'. We examine the nature of the Zapatista uprising by moving beyond the bluster of the EZLN communiqués, on which so many base their analysis.
In the wake of the organised left and the demise of working class self-identity, communisation offers a paradoxical means of superseding capitalism in the here and now whilst abandoning orthodox theories of revolution. John Cunningham reports from the picket line of the ‘human strike'.