Agenda, you should submit them to me, and you may do so by bringing them forward to the rail. Public comment will be taken on each item on todays agenda. When your item of interest comes up in Public Comment is called, please line up to speak along your right hand side of the room. Alternatively, you may submit Public Comment in writing in either of the following two ways. First, you may email your written Public Comment to me. The land use and Transportation Committee clerk. My email address is j own period. C a r r o l l at sf gov. Org or you may send your written comments via Us Postal Service to our office in city hall. The address is one doctor Carlton B Goodlett place, room 244, San Francisco, california 94102. If you submit Public Comments in writing, i will forward your comment to the members of this panel and i will also include your comments as part of the official file on which you are commenting. And finally, madam chair, items acted upon today are expected to appear on the