A planning application has been submitted to build 116 homes on land at Hogshaw in Fairfield - however it has been met by objections from both councillors and residents who are concerned about flood risks.
Sunny Hogshaw: this photo was was taken by local naturalist Mark Cocker
The mum-of-one, who has lived on Hogshaw Villas Road since 2007, described Hogshaw - bordered by allotments, homes and the railway - as “a little oasis”.
She said: “We’re a very close-knit community all living close to the field - if there’s ever any trouble we deal with it as a community.
“If this is allowed to happen it’s going to change the place so much - that green space is so important because none of us really have gardens.”
As well as the loss of a crucial green space residents fear the traffic increase that comes with 124 new homes will badly impact on air quality.