125 Years January 25, 1897Council during its meeting last night approved resolutions authorizing the mayor and clerk to sign deeds conveying the plants of
Out of the past
July 6, 1986
The Fourth of July was celebrated at Quincy by a grand picnic at Riverside Park. Special trains were run from Bellefontaine, Springfield and Lima and all the trains brought large crowds. Music was furnished by the Quincy band. There were at least 5,000 people at the park and the town was full of people all day. -
E.L. Hoskins and Peter Goffena left this morning for Chicago to attend the Democratic National Convention and John Loughlin will leave this evening for the same purpose.
An effort is being made to organize an Elks lodge in this city by a number of our citizens. Already a charter list of 18 persons has been secured. F.D. Reed and Charles O. Dickas, who are already members of the Elks order, are doing all they can for the prospective new lodge.