The cybersecurity partnership between Ukraine and NATO advanced to a new level last week after Ukraine signed an agreement on accession to the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE).
Doctor Mart Noorma has formally taken up his new post of Director of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE), based in Tallinn.
Following the controversy over a recent decision by the Estonian Defense Forces (EDF) leadership to include three generals in the reserve, ERR has investigated what the total number of generals, on active duty and in reserve, there are at present.
Riigikogu MP and member of parliament's defense committee Alar Laneman (EKRE), who retired from the Estonian Defense Forces (EDF) with the rank of brigadier-general, criticized an EDF decision from last week to place three soldiers with the rank of general in reserve, especially as Estonia prepares to develop a new military capability and establish a division command element.