Educational institutions designed to mold the minds and bodies of italys children between the ages five and 11 undertook a mission to rejuvenate the italian race and create a second roman empire. This project depended on the twin beliefs that the italian population did, indeed, constitute a distinct race and that certain aspects of its moral and physical makeup could be influenced during childhood. The book released last year is the work of our visiting author, dr. Eden maclean. Dr. Mclean is a historian of 20thcentury europe with a focus on italy in the interwar period. She joined auburn Universitys Department of history in 2012 after teaching for two years at western connecticut state university. She earned her ph. D. In history from Yale University and a ba in history from university of virginia. She is joined on stage tonight by museum advisor, partner, and friend, dr. Gunter bischof. The marshal plan chair of history and director of our partner for tonights program,. Enter austria
Rejuvenate the italian race and create a second roman empire. This project depended on the twin beliefs that the italian population did, indeed, constitute a distinct race and that certain aspects of its moral and physical makeup could be influenced during childhood. The book released last year is the work of our visiting author, dr. Eden maclean. Dr. Mclean is a historian of 20thcentury europe with a focus on italy in the interwar period. She joined auburn Universitys Department of history in 2012 after teaching for two years at western connecticut state university. She earned her ph. D. In history from Yale University and a b. A. In history from university of virginia. She is joined on stage tonight by museum advisor, partner, and friend, dr. Gunter bischof, the marshal plan chair of history and director of our partner for tonights program, Center Austria. Gunter is a regular presence here, be it at programs, on programs, or in any of our meetings rooms as weve plotted the growth of
Mussolinis children race Elementary Education in fascist italy. Lens of the state mandated Youth Culture to analyze the evolution of official racism in fascist italy. Between 1922 and 1940, educational institutions designed to mold the minds and bodies of italys children between ages five and 11 undertook a mission to rejuvenate the italian race and create a second roman empire. This project dependent on the twin beliefs that the italian indeed indeed it constituted a distinct race and certain aspects of their moral and physical makeup could be influenced during childhood. Released last year is the work of our visiting author, dr. Eden maclean. A historian of 20thcentury europe with a focus on italy in the interwar period. Universityauburn department of history 2012 after teaching for two years at western connecticut state university. She earned her phd in history from Yale University and a ba in history from university of virginia. She is joined on stage tonight by museum advisor, par
This was once a center of the nazi party in the unit. And here where the nazis planned the systematic seizure of jewish assets today a belated restitution for those crimes is being worked on. The backs of documents that have arrived at the Central Institute for our history in munich are a treasure trove for the art world provenance researcher michael hop has received the entire archive of the uli as buller our dealership from the years 1933 to 1945 to work through. It could be a huge opportunity to locate lost artworks from jewish collections. As this said that. This can be like looking for a needle in a haystack we have at least 1500. 00 photos like this to digitize we have a total of nearly 40000. 00 of burleighs transactions that were working on and figuring out so we have a lot of work ahead of us on making our microphones the. Picked up 10. Masa. Feet lend. Out to a wooden stein james blish without Fritz Goodman i got to sell and none. These are important names but we must always
These are important names but we must always remember that theyre simply representative of very very many fates and the nazi era. By them given the large number of objects we provenance researchers work with and the many names we encounter that we cant even properly identify cases like these are very important as examples they enable us to demonstrate how the mechanism of expropriation and looting functioned and how certain objects ended up in museums. And of course each object has a very moving story to tell of the fate of its former owners. And. The town of falling in is located in southwestern germany. This is where the jewish couple errands and i gotto zalman who were evident collectors loot from the late 1920 s. Until they were forced to flee nazi germany in late 1935. Providence researcher eras schmeiser was examining the collection of lead because museum in frankfurt. She was checking its legality when she found that the museum had a madonna figure that had belonged to the solom