Talking about the latest collections of the film, Sita Ramam has managed to earn Rs 65 cr gross at the worldwide box office so far. The makers are happy with the film's success.
Dulquer Salmaan and Mrunal Thakur's Classical Love Story, Sita Ramam is having a magical run at the box office. The ended its ten days run at the box office on a glorious note amassing a sensational 50 Crore gross along with winning hearts of the audience across the globe.
Audience and critics are falling in love with Epic Love Saga. The emotional story of the love story in the middle of a war has given a unique and surreal experience to the audience.
Dulquer Salmaan and Mrunal Thakur's Classical Love Story, Sita Ramam has ended its first week run at the box office on a glorious note. Winning hearts of the audience across the globe, the movie has collected a remarkable 40 Crore plus gross in the first week of its release. After the sensational first weekend run, the movie did not drop even a bit in the working days. Along
Audience and critics are falling in love with Epic Love Saga. The emotional story of the love story in the middle of a war has given a unique and surreal experience to the audience.