after the judge who just told the cdc that they don t haveju the jurisdiction on these mandates. i mean, it sri man one big circle that s not getting us anywhere.s that paranoia has to end. and by the way, we learned as we went along and things had changed, the science changed. i mean, you know, first we were told if we got a vaccine that we would never get covered. then we had breakthrough casesh ,the delta variant. now people are fully vaccinated ,booster one booster too in a previous infection and they can still get it a second time. so some of these things have h changed. i actuallyav, i like the mask because i wear a hat and glasses and a mask and nobody would know it was mew . gain some anonymity back atai work anyway. let s talk about your race. you got a big endorsement that was president trump endorsing youin. i had endorsed you earlier and i didn t endorse you because we re friends. we are friends. i consider you a friend.d i endorsed you because of where you stand on the iss
the nato forces. cia commandos, special forces, political leadership. theyl all have families. we re walking away from them. they ll be left to a brutal fate. the only thing that may push back on this, afghanistan is now devolving into ethnic civil war, and the militias will re-arm and try to protect their own people. but, you know, they re in great peril of genocide. it sri going to be an ugly coup of years coming up, if it lasts that long. claire mccaskill, we careen into a domestic topic you re familiar with, the spike in coronavirus cases in your state. is this coming home to roost?