Former MIT professor and interdisciplinary speech processing inventor Francis Fan Lee died at 96. Lee helped to develop a machine that read English text out loud and won an Emmy for his work on subtly speeding up film and audio without a noticeable loss of pitch.
Igor Paul, MIT professor emeritus of mechanical engineering, died on Dec. 17, 2023, at age 87. Paul helped develop MechE's design and manufacturing curriculum and contributed to artificial joints as well as to NASA inertial guidance systems.
MIT Professor Emeritus Peter Schiller, a pioneering researcher of the visual system, has died at 92. His career included fundamental discoveries about how visual scenes and stimuli are processed from the retina through the cortical visual system.
John LaBoiteaux Buttrick, a former professor in MIT’s Music and Theater Arts program, prize-winning pianist, and renowned classical musician, died in late November, 2023, in Zurich, Switzerland. He was 88.
MIT Mechanical Engineering Professor of the Practice Richard M. Wiesman died Sunday, Jan. 7. He was 69. Wiesman taught and supervised research in design, product development, robotics, controls, and manufacturing, and served as co-director of MIT’s Field and Space Robotics Laboratory.