of the city of khan younis. israel has warned more palestinians living around the city to leave immediately. the hamas run health ministry in gaza says more than 15,500 people have now been killed there since the start of the conflict between israel and hamas, which is considered a terrorist organisation by several governments including us and uk. these pictures were shot on sunday. children are among those being driven to the hospital, carried inside by family and friends. israel insists it is doing all it can to minimise the number of civilian deaths in gaza, after the us defence secretary, lloyd austin, said israel had a moral responsiblity to minimise casualties not linked to hamas. our international editor jeremy bowen reports on the situation in the west bank and gaza. and i should warn you, the report contains footage from the very beginning that is distressing. lost boys, brothers, looking for their father my dad s been killed. i swear my dad s been killed. they