As a small business owner on Grand Island, Peter Marston Jr. brings a much different perspective to the office of town supervisor, which he officially began on Monday after being sworn in by New York State Assemblyman Angelo Morinello.
In the second of two Town Board public hearings this week, residents gave their opinions Wednesday at the high school on the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Grand Island Commerce Center. That s the formal name for the mega-warehouse proposed by Acquest Development for 2780 Long Road.
The fundamental question is: Can you use property you already own for a purpose allowed by its zoning? If the answer is yes and the town still doesn t want the
After proposing new restrictions on giant warehouses in response to a controversial project, the Grand Island Town Board is doubling down with a plan to tighten the reins even further
A two-year-old proposal by Acquest Development for a giant warehouse on Grand Island is stirring up the same kind of heavy opposition that the former Amazon venture generated, prompting calls