Prime Minister Narendra Modi condoled the death of ISKCON GBC Srila Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja, who passed away on Sunday. The prime minister said his teachings emphasized the importance of devotion, kindness and service to others
The Delhi High Court has ruled in favour of Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, which reproduces the writings and speeches of ISKCON founder Srila Prabhupada, in its suit against a website over copyright.
Dr. Mary Hunt reflects on how women find their voice and express leadership in religious spaces inside and beyond institutions. Then RNS reporter Richa Karmarkar reviews trends she follows on the Hindu beat.
In 2023, the Religion News Service hired Richa Karmarkar as the first national religion reporter covering the Hindu beat. She hopes the growth of the Hindu community sparks interest and curiosity about the diversity of a religious tradition that is not well understood.
With time, the Indian diaspora consisting mainly of Hindus carved its niche and attained an unassailable position, and as of today, in the year 2024, Indians are immensely successful in their respective ventures spread across the globe. - With Hindus Making Mark Across Countries, Their Places Of Worship Following Suit