NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL WEAPONS June 27, 2021: At the end of May, the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) issued its quarterly report containing details of IAEA examinations of Iranian uranium enrichment
IRAN: Desperate Times, Desperate Gambles May 13, 2021: The IRGC (Islamic Revolution Guard Corps), whose main job is to keep the religious dictatorship in power, has been accused of seeking to expand its own control over Iran. That latest example of this Iran offering to free foreigners in return for returning billions of dollars’ worth of Iranian cash held in foreign countries because of the economic sanctions. The IRGC is apparently even offering to trade its presence in Yemen for decisive Saudi assistance in getting the sanctions lifted. This appears to be a good thing for Iran, but many Iranian leader see this as another effort by the IRGC to expand its power in Iran. This power was demonstrated when the sanction were lifted in 2015 via a treaty. Most Iranians expected the influx of cash to improve their lives. It didn’t, mainly because the IRGC for a lot of that cash to expand its military operations overseas.
ISRAEL: Working With The Enemy April 22, 2021: Before dawn a missile from Syria landed a few kilometers from the Israeli Dimona nuclear research center. There was no damage because Dimona is 300 kilometers south of the Syrian border in a rural desert area. First thoughts were that this was another Iranian attempt to carry out some credible revenge for the April 11
th Mossad operation that destroyed the underground Natanz nuclear fuel enrichment facility. If this was a deliberate missile attack it failed but it will mean Israel spending a lot of money firing expensive ABM (anti-ballistic-missile) missiles at more Syrian anti-aircraft missiles that cross the border either accidently or on purpose. Israel can solve this problem by modifying its ABM fire control software to discriminate between the trajectories of SAMs that are not headed for civilian or military targets and those that are. The Israeli Iron Dome system has long used