The Karnataka High Court has refused to quash the defamation complaint lodged against IPS officer D Roopa by IAS Officer Rohini Sindhuri for allegedly publishing defamatory content against her..
The public fight between Karnataka IAS officer Rohini Sindhuri and IPS officer D Roopa continues after both have been transferred to different districts amid the ‘personal photos’ row.
Dilip Cherian | Karnataka home secy shunted out for calling Safe City ‘scam’
Published Jan 14, 2021, 12:11 am IST
Updated Jan 14, 2021, 12:11 am IST
Public spats are rarely pretty and the one between these two senior IPS officers has brought out the intense rivalries in the service
IPS officer D. Roopa.
IPS officer D. Roopa, who was the first woman home secretary of Karnataka has been transferred as the managing director of Karnataka State Handicrafts Development Corporation amid her public spat with another IPS officer Hemant Nimbalkar, who, too, was transferred. Mr Nimbalkar was the additional commissioner (administration) in Bengaluru before being transferred to the internal security department.