記者谷庭/台北報導蘋果最新iPhone14系列新機將在週五開賣,不過由於今年iPhone14升級幅度小,而iPhone14 Pro 系列因為匯率原因漲價2千元,也讓去年的iPhone13 Pro 系列意外暢銷,通路業者指出,現在是「有錢還買不到」iPhone 13 Pro 跟Pro Max,甚至舊機價格還「回漲8%」,業者坦言:「這樣的狀況真的是前所未見!」
Tech titan Apple started the manufacturing of the latest iPhone 13 in India. Foxconn's plant in Sriperumbudur near Chennai will be producing the iPhone 13 units. So, Apple will manufacture all its latest iPhone models in India. "We are excited to begin making iPhone 13 - with its beautiful design, advanced camera systems for stunning photos and videos, and the incredible