how do you get rid of them? talk to the homeowners. two, you got to see what they have been doing to create them. reporter: the ants nest inside and outside and eat everything. they know exactly where their food and water is for a certain number of days. when they run out what do you think they do, hitchhike, hay bales, car tires. reporter: there are no household chemicals to get rid of the crazy ants which means the elk terminator s number is being kept close. the contractor, every two weeks or every month. and they re native to south america. and don t think texas is alone in this battle. they re on the way to florida, mississippi and louisiana. folks in the states watch out as well. don t leave little buckets of water outside. do not. and, there we go. that s my other job. we knew you were daylighting at some other job, rob.
reporting from waikiki, kitv 4 news. look at the governor, reporter out there. don t they look happy? out there in their shirts and leis. they grew here. everybody else just flew here. locals only, dude. nice place to be. program going to cost $150,000, they ll count on some private money to make it happen. i think they ll do all right. can we do high school again in hawaii? yeah really. there you go. you re surfing, rob. which way is the gym? to our affiliate in hawaii, if you re hiring, give us a call. firsthand report on the high school surf team. we re on our way out. that s the news for this half-hour. hang loose, dude. ol surf team. we re on our way out. that s the news for this half-hour. hang loose, dude. eporororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororororo
a recent poll not talking about penises are we? maybe. maybe. survey of 3,000 women said they actually like their men kind of average. they don t want them six feet. 5 10 is perfect. age 30 to 45. dark hair. good cook. full-time employment. with a creative side. possibly a part-time musician or artist. the people who did the study were quite shocked by results. to be honest, they said we expected women to want hunky, tall men. they want dependable men that stick around. reliable dude. don t want the buff, playboy, 6 8 dude. eight out of ten women preferred men with dark hair. really? and under 6 feet. i got to hit the club this weekend. another study here, interesting study here. when women sit down with other women they eat more than when they sit down with men. reverse is true for men. when we are with women we eat more, with men, we eat less.
petco though 75% of our funding comes from petco, we do lots of fundraisers around town and in the petco stores. we are giving away over $80 million a year to help communities, and their pet adoptions and their organizations and their efforts to help save animals lives. now in this row are doggies that need homes. so, bulldogs, this guy is great. he was found on the street in brooklyn. at 6 weeks old. oh, wow. look at him now. he is great. so why is sony here at a pet event? they have a neat camera. this is it, cyber shot digital, wx9. it actually has a little pet mode. and in pet mode reduces motion blur, reduces red eye. don t know if it is lick proof. we will know when sony says, what did you do to my camera? you know, the rain cleared up now. but they didn t get more dogs than they needed.
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