LTI FY21 USD Revenues grow 9.5%; Net Profit up 27.5%, Q4 FY21 USD Revenues up 9.1% YoY
Q4 FY21
4.6% QoQ
4.4% QoQ
3.7% QoQ and 8.5% YoY
Net Income at
5.1% QoQ
9.5% YoY
8.8% YoY
13.7% YoY
27.5% YoY
Dividend pay-out ratio of
30.5% for the year Supported by a strong Q4, FY21 was another year of market leading growth. We are happy to report revenue growth of 9.5% and net profit growth of 27.5% for the year. In Q4, we also won two large deals with net new TCV of USD 66 mn, culminating into a record large deal TCV for FY21.
Our superior performance is a result of the untiring efforts of 35,000+ LTItes who stood together during one of the most trying times ensuring client deliveries. We will continue to invest in the strength of our business as we remain committed to growth in FY22 as well.