A recent viral video of Dhoni shows him onboard an IndiGo flight and playing Candy Crush to kill time on the flight. As this video went viral, surprisingly, along with MS Dhoni, even the hashtag Candy Crush began trending on Twitter’s trend list.
Author: Johan Van Overtveldt, Publisher: AgateISBN: 978-1-57284-306-6If you follow the daily financial news, no doubt you have presumably heard of references to “the Fed” in the USA or central banks, reserve banks, and monetary authorities in other countries.What are these institutions? How do they operate? Why did they play an
Author: Johan Van Overtveldt, Publisher: AgateISBN: 978-1-57284-306-6If you follow the dailyfinancial news, no doubt you have presumably heard of references to“the Fed” in the USA or central banks, reserve banks, andmonetary authorities in other countries.What are theseinstitutions? How do they operate? Why did they play an essentialpart in putting out
Author:Ellen PallPublisher: Bancroft PressISBN:978-1-61088-542-3In the kickoff scene of Ellen Pall’s Must Read Well, we are introduced to Elizabeth Miller. For the past several years she has been grappling to complete her Ph.D dissertation at Columbia University.Elizabeth has recently broken off with her boyfriend and temporarily lives in her friend Petra’s home.We
Author: Gary D. McGuganISBN: 978-1-7779049-1-3Gary D. McGugan s ASlippery Shadow takes off where his last novel, A Web ofDeceit, ended.Once again, he offers amultilayered tale spotlighting the three familiar leading charactersthat were part of his previous novels. We have Fidelia Morales,"chief honcho" of the savage criminal entity, TheOrganization, her brilliant financial adviser and former