Gene drive mosquitoes is a short documentary film that is beautifully shot in Uganda and explores Ugandan stakeholders’ hopes for gene drive mosquitoes. Uganda, where malaria is the main cause of death, could be one of the first countries in the world to trial this type of technology. The film builds on social science research at the University of Exeter and Makerere University in Uganda and shows the complexity of gene drive governance. Following the film, Chris Opesen and Sarah Hartley will answer questions and facilitate discussion.
We, the undersigned human rights and civil society organizations, are alarmed by the Iranian parliament’s move to ratify the general outlines of the draconian "Regulatory System for Cyberspace Services Bill," previously known as the “User Protection Bill.
ARTICLE 19 and more than 50 other organisations call on Iranian authorities and those engaged in bilateral dialogue with Iran to pressure the Iranian parliament to rescind the ‘User Protection Bill’.
Today, EFF joins Article 19 and more than 50 organizations in urging the Iranian government to rescind a bill with severe implications for the privacy, security and freedom of expression of Internet users in Iran. The text of our letter is below.Iran: Human rights groups sound alarm against.