James George (Texas A&M University School of Law) has posted Running on Empty: Ford v. Montana and the Folly of Minimum Contacts (George Mason Law Review, Forthcoming) on SSRN. Here is the abstract: Jurisdictional contests are in disarray. Criticisms date.
Th Supreme Court is set to take up a challenge to how states are permitted to exercise jurisdiction over corporations. In Mallory v. Norfolk Southern, a former railroad worker contracted colon cancer alleging he was exposed to dangerous chemicals while working.
In its upcoming October 2022 Term, the US Supreme Court is set to take up a challenge to how states are permitted to exercise jurisdiction over corporations. Mallory v. Norfolk Southern.
The Court did not set forth a bright-line test for determining the limitations in all possible factual scenarios, leaving open the certainty of further litigation on the subject of personal jurisdiction limitations over corporations.