Mental health has long been a topic gaining more awareness and attention in Singapore. In 2023, 56.6 per cent of Singaporeans have sought out professional help at least once, with the government proposing establishing a National Mental Health Office by 2025 to oversee strategies and implementation, as well as future mental health care developments. Mental health treatment is a long-term.
Singapore News - From Dec 1, 2023, patients who need surgical implants such as high-cost replacement heart valves, hearing devices, intraocular lens for cataracts or knee replacement implants can get higher means-tested subsidies than today, and not be subjected to a dollar cap. These are. Read more at
Many Singaporeans think that their CPF savings are enough to tide them through retirement but the reality could not be further from the truth. Especially if your ageing parents are self-employed or homemakers who do not regularly contribute to their CPF Ordinary Account, chances are, they may not have a nest egg to ensure a comfortable retirement. If your parents.