De la ce a plecat falsa criza energetica din Romania, care i-a bagat in priza pe politicieni, chiar pe presedintele tarii, Klaus Iohannis, pe premierul "superman", econom.
Joi, 12 August 2021 - Cinci persoane, din care trei femei si doi barbati, au fost retinute de politistii Serviciului de Investigare a Criminalitatii Economice din cadrul IPJ Suceava.
Miercuri, 11 August 2021 - Ultima ora: Cinci persoane, din care trei femei si doi barbati, au fost retinute de politistii Serviciului de Investigare a Criminalitatii Economice din cadrul IPJ Suceava.
companies that mitt romney came in and bought out. you know, i think this is what this election is all about, kind of appealing to these swing voters, and which direction you think the country is headed in. if barack obama has improved things enough to your satisfaction, you re going to vote for him again. if you think that he has not made things better fast enough, then you re more than likely going to vote for mitt romney and that s what this ad ultimately is all about. jeremy peters, thank you very much. and sources in the obama administration tell nbc news the argument that 43 catholic institutii institutions are using to sue the administration over birth control is not accurate. for most employers the mandate would not go into effect until 2013. joining us now to talk about it via skype, erin camone, and