Alpine Income Property Trust, Inc. (NYSE:PINE – Get Free Report) has been given an average recommendation of “Buy” by the five research firms that are presently covering the company, Marketbeat Ratings reports. Five investment analysts have rated the stock with a buy recommendation. The average 12-month price target among brokers that have covered the stock […]
Keeley Teton Advisors LLC lifted its holdings in Alpine Income Property Trust, Inc. (NYSE:PINE – Get Rating) by 0.8% during the 4th quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The firm owned 311,799 shares of the company’s stock after purchasing an additional 2,602 shares during the period. Keeley Teton […]
Alpine Income Property Trust, Inc. (NYSE:PINE – Get Rating) was the target of a large growth in short interest in April. As of April 15th, there was short interest totalling 43,300 shares, a growth of 25.1% from the March 31st total of 34,600 shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 102,500 shares, the […]