he s refusing to uncover his window. he s throwing some kind of liquid out under his door. okay. he s begging for the s.w.a.t. team to come in. all right, guys, real quick. we got hall. he s down in f-1. he s been acting up all morning, refusing orders. he talked to everybody. he s refused all orders. we ll give him his last three verbal commands. if he doesn t comply at that point, we ll introduce oc. once he complies, we re just going to open his cell door, kneel him straight down on the wall right there. inmate hall, come to the door and cuff up. offender hall, come to the
have us suit up as well. if he doesn t comply at that point, we ll introduce o.c. you got it? uh-huh. inmate hall, come to the door and cuff up. if you do not cuff up, we will introduce chemical agents. are you going to comply? introduce o.c. hall has covered his food port and window with a mattress. but the special response team knocks it down and fires a couple of short bursts of o.c. gas.
response team. and they suit up in their gear. in these situations, when we want to film it, they always have us suit up as well. if he doesn t comply at that point, we ll introduce o.c. you got it? uh-huh. inmate hall, come to the door and cuff up.
he s refusing to uncover his window. he s throwing some kind of liquid out under his door. okay. he s begging for the s.w.a.t. team to come in. all right, guys, real quick. we got hall. he s down in f-1. he s been acting up all morning, refusing orders. he talked to everybody. he s refused all orders. we ll give him his last three verbal commands. if he doesn t comply at that point, we ll introduce oc. once he complies, we re just going to open his cell door, kneel him straight down on the wall right there. inmate hall, come to the door and cuff up. offender hall, come to the door and cuff up. go [ bleep ].
defense lawyer. therefore inmate hall has been charged with dsa, drug screen alter. i did this for a reason. it was because i m coming up for parole here in less than three months. and i guess i needed a way to delay that. to delay getting out. i m not ready to get out. lieutenant vance, the d-board chairman has a tendency to have an attitude of don t know, don t care when it comes to your personal problems. all he wants to address is what s in the write-up. ziggy faces several potential penalties for attempting to alter his drug screen, including time in the hole, a loss of his prison job and even a judgment that can make his whole plan backfire, a transfer to another prison. that s one punishment i really don t look forward to, being transferred somewhere else. ziggy s reluctance to leave