According to Andres Vainola, head of Eesti Energia's subsidiary Enefit Power, which produces electricity from shale oil, the price set by the Competition Authority (Konkurentsiamet) for electricity as a universal service is too low and does not fully cover Enefit's production costs.
The price of electricity in Estonia under a universal service recently rolled-out by the government will provisionally be €154.08 per Megawatt-hour, or 15.4 cents per KWh, the Competition Authority (Konkurentsiamet) says.
The price of electricity in Estonia under a universal service recently rolled-out by the government will provisionally be €154.08 per Megawatt-hour, or 15.4 cents per KWh, the Competition Authority (Konkurentsiamet) says.
Finland s Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka and Estonia s Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology Kristjan Järvan met in Helsinki on 30 August 2022 to discuss deepening cooperation between the two countries to accelerate the digitalisation of logistics.
Cooperation between Finland and Estonia plays an important role in promoting the digitalisation of logistics.