ready tomorrow?y toto take back this country? ba? are you ready to take the state back ? who s ready to send markkell kelly back to space? tomorrow? now, we re going to hear from reporters and candidates acrossh the nation tonight, including our own mark meridith in ohio, where donald trump is stilio wd stilll delivering what was billed as ah highly anticipated speech. s ts but first, the great realignment. that s the focus of tonight s angle, with republicans about to take control of botf h the house and the senate, mostis democrats aren t interested in serious soul searching aboutr au how it all unraveled fornc a bunch so worried about election denial, they seem to be preemptively questioning the legitimacy of the impending republican takeover. rean how concerned are you that the upheaval at twitter ll result in a flood of misinformation, disinformation right before i the election? and it actually goes beyonde ar twitter today. there arree reports s that, in fact, russian
oh, it s exactly because you re telling me what s on my own show. that s the price you build it t up and it s just like me coming out of a peanut. you want tou, go p?lease please coml e. ws i want to do both shows back to back alley. okay, all right. oh, we ll take it underr advisement. that sounds like a lotad. take it under.f doesn t know how to get out ofrb here. double troublele right handed. awesome show tonight. and i am laura ingraham. this from washingtonn tonight. and we begin with a miwid term hail mary from the democrats. we knew it was coming. right. and if there s anything we ve learned, it s that joe bident loves telling tall tales. f and over the past couple ofseem months, his white house seems e caught the same fever, at least when it comes to furni burnishing that reputation. thatit will take more time and resolve to bring inflation b down, which is why, again, we in passed the inflation reduction act. we we meaning democrats, not republicans. what
self-righteous obsession above w the people that she was electeds to serve, the people thatto elected public servants. in many ways she showed utter contempt for the people in her l own state and they didn t like it one bit. and oddly, this led congresswoman cheney to align with a very v same democrats. and i find this the oddestt thing of all who called her owna father a war criminal. look at what they did to scooter libby, his chief of staff. they called her father murderer, r a a crook for working on halliburton, the very same people that smeared her family for decades. and theneo they were people like myself who defended my father and people like scooter libby. you know, we re now just dismissed as unethical without any principle values whatsoever. a ashe would clearly rather had joe biden and the democrats in charge ofem the country with alr of their destructive policies. it s d more dangerousicie than . instead of donald trump,, the people of wyoming disagree with her a
issues and he s standing for the forgotten men and women and running that campaign, i think fantasticic. te nobodyly really. and it s a fantastic show tonight. sean, i ll pick up where you left off. not going too hammer again. is ingram angle fromtoain. washington tonight. the china block. that sinat the focus s of tonigs angle. will she or won t she? so who s bluffing? china or pelosi now nancy s really tough when she s waggingi her finger at trump or ripping her speech up at the state of the union. but is she tough enough toy defo bothur our pentagon handwringers and the ccp now? she has a long history of at least speaking out against the evils of china. and justbi because china is a bg economy and because we have a big relationship doesn t mean that the challenge to our conscience if we don t speak out against that in china with his own moral authority toy speak out against in any other speak out against in any other accession is simply giving china a blank checkck, failed
get at any grocery store in the states with stacked so tall that i would need a ladder to reach the linguine. but i remain skeptical because surely the new york times and the washington post wouldn tcked s be lying. n stors how expensive is everything? russian stores could have food, bu.t with inflatione so and shortages, items could be so expensive that no one canx afford it. pensfirst, i went to the milk aisle. kiffer 1% 10% three percent and even four percent. a milk, yogurtnds and fig dairyir alternatives. they had a lot of i got a liter of regular milk. it was eighty nine rubles or a dollar forty one . then i made my way to the meat section. they had beef, chicken , turkey , pork and even rabbit. i settled for a pound of ground beef, which was one hundred and seventy five rubles orground two dollars and seventy eight cents. the total for milk, eggs, beef,8 bread, and mushrooms was four hundred and ninety nine rubles or seven dollars. and ninety two cents. surprisingly,