democrats are not only paying for this $700 billion tax and spend package by raising taxes, super sizing the irs to bring more muscle on so they can go after taxes. the tax reduction act the senate passed over the weekends gives the irs $80 billion to add agents to their roster spending money to bring in more money. this is six times the current annual budget of the irs. half of the $80 billion goes to inflation efforts, having auditors pour over taxes with a fine tooth comb to make sure they re paying their fair share. we also empowered the irs to go after wealthy tax cheats so that we collect taxes that are already to you and owing from very wealthy people that try to hide their income. not contribute to the country. the white house and the irs commissioner insists that audit rates for anyone making less than $400,000 will not increase. but last year half hoff all irs audits were people making $75,000. republicans say there s no way that the irs can guarantee that a bee