Just last month, Infinix launched the Infinix Hot 30i in India. The company is reportedly planning to launch another smartphone soon, the Infinix Note 30. The device was spotted on the Google Play Console, revealing details about the processor and display.
As the biggest festive season sale has begun, people are looking forward to getting their hands on the best camera smartphones. Here we bring to you 5 smartphones which are under the price tag of Rs 10,000 and are available at Flipkart and Amazon.
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Infinix has launched the Note 12 5G and 12 Pro 5G, thereby making them the first devices of their line to have that type of mobile connectivity. The two new Android smartphones have most specs in common - a new-ish MediaTek Dimensity chipset and support for microSD cards of up to 2TB in size included - although the Pro is the only one with 8GB of RAM and a 108MP camera. They are to be released via Flipkart in India soon.